Podophobia is an irrational fear of feet

Podophobia: A Fear of Feet

You may suffer from podophobia and not even realize it has a name.

What Is Podophobia?

Simply put, being afraid of feet actually has a name: podophobia. An aversion…a reaction..a feeling of disgust or fear directed towards feet, whether yours or others, that causes measurable physical and emotional reaction.

Podophobia can affect an individual’s personal, professional, and social life. Imagine never being able to take your shoes off in public, enjoy the beach or wear trendy, fashionable shoes. Being horrified when invited to someone’s home and being asked to remove your shoes before entering. Having an injury or a medical situation that requires a doctor inspect your feet, and having a severe reaction as a result of a debilitating fear of feet.

Anyone Can Suffer From a Feet Podophobia

Did you know Sean P. Diddy has a form of podophobia – he really can’t stand a longer second toe. People whoWhat is the fear of feet called? are podophobic often can’t stand to have anyone touch their feet – sometimes they can’t stand to touch their own feet. They often wear socks 24/7 – some even wear shoes both day and night. Sounds funny, right? Well, it’s pretty significant and debilitating if you suffer from it.

Podophobia includes all the distinctions of any other type of phobia, an onset of physical or emotional anxiety that can include making your heart race, trouble breathing. Just like other fears that may seem irrational – fear of clowns (coulrophobia – actually quite common) or fear of going to the doctor (Iatrophobia).

It’s really a lot less painful and complicated just to learn to love your feet instead.

Fear of Feet: The Effects

People with podophobia are hyper-focused on feet. For those that hate their own feet, they operate under the assumption that everyone sees feet exactly as they do.

Podophobia is different than some other common phobias; fear of spiders or heights,  for instance. Those types of phobias produce symptoms when triggered by the intermittent presence of the specific stimulus…seeing a spider in the shower, for example, or having to climb a ladder. Unlike those situations, your feet are with you 100% of the time. If you are someone who can’t stand the sight of your own feet, you may wear socks, stockings or shoes ALL of the time.

Symptoms Of Podophobia

Some common symptoms of podophobia are feeling disgusted by feet, feeling anxious or uncomfortable around feet, and having intrusive thoughts about feet. Podophobia can also cause people to feel panicked when they see feet. In addition, some podophobes may experience shortness of breath, rapid breathing, nausea, dry mouth and shaking when around feet.

Even if you are triggered by the sight of other people’s feet, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to go through life without some significant exposure to feet. For many people, the disgust and shame they have about their own feet can result in avoiding social situations. Some examples:

  • Unable to enjoy the beach or pool with friends, family or strangers
  • Avoiding wearing comfortable, seasonal appropriate footwear, such as sandals, flip flops, open toed dress shoes, or even lightweight canvas shoes that reveal the outline of the foot. This can cause serious difficulties in attending events, family gatherings, social gatherings, etc.
  • People with a feet phobia may miss many opportunities for participating in everyday activities, such as taking a yoga or karate class, visiting friends who ask you to take your shoes off in their home, or even joining in conversations that have anything to do with feet. And removing those painful heels to dance at your best friends wedding? Never happening.
  • Inability to undertake footcare such as a pedicure or foot massage.

No Such Thing As Ugly Feet

Ugleefeet.com is all about making the best of what you’ve got! For many people who feel they have ugly feet, and who suffer from the fear of feet, the fact is that a certain amount of attention and basic foot care can really minimize the flaws and make you more comfortable and at ease. Love your feet!

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